Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gracious God How Sweet The Sound of Elections In Ireland

Things come to those who wait and now whoopee an election has been declared for 11th March 2011 and the celebrations have begun. Ireland and the Irish people shall collectively pray that our wee country shall elevate appropriate leadership to represent the people on the way forward towards success.
A dominant question the electorate has to consider is the level of the genuine intelligence candidates possess with the hope that they shall not be impressionable by the sudden introduction to impressive power. At least one candidate, Paul Somerville, is showing excellent aptitude indicating that if there are at least one hundred like-minded candidates then perhaps Ireland has excellent possibilities, maybe even a triumph or two or three...
Treason and terminal destruction are words being used to describe the lack luster government led by Fianna Fail and Brian Cowen and Mary Coughlan et al. A real sense of relief is tangible throughout the opposition parties and independents who are aiming to possess significant posts when the results are declared on the 12th March 2011. One thing we know for sure and that is not one single member of the government can be trusted to tell the truth as many have waylaid integrity while lying to their teeth with a smile straight into the cameras, now is that a nice thing to do to ones fellow country people or what.
Fianna Fail may have actually reaped greater successes in election results should they have chosen to go to the polls late last year instead of it being forced upon them currently. However, as they were not willing to listen to anyone their annihilation is imminent and may the rivers not flood with their memories being washed away to oblivion.
Freefall followed by farce is how today's events have been described and this is a consequence of a group of people, the government who are delusional behaving with erratic incomprehensible actions. Now normally when someone is behaving thus so they would be prescribed to undergo psychiatric evaluation but when politicians behave thus so we are helpless to do anything. Thankfully in this case anyway Fianna Fil are in coalition with the Green Party and an election has resulted and now we shall plan ahead with enthusiastic vigour.
Fianna Fail like the Catholic Church have proved they are a law into themselves thus they decline to listen. Moral considerations and propriety are attributes not present within any member of government because none have said in public about their disapproval of any behaviour approved by the cabinet. In essence then all the current government representatives have nailed their own coffins shut because of their pack of loyalty to the people who elected them.
Ireland has the best potential possible to draw a new line in the sands of change before the tide washes away the damages of the current government. It is necessary that all eyes will be paying absolute attention on the candidates possessing the most relevant attributes thus the electorate shall elect according to common sense instead of misplaced loyalty.
These are the facts: a) over 150 billion in debt; b) over 100,000 emigrating over the next two years unless changes invoke job opportunities. C) 455,000 unemployed and growing. D) Lack of confidence in future economic success within the near future. E) The political system is a sham and in fact it is in an abominable state. F) The banking system is in a similar catastrophic situation and if we desire to improve our credibility on the world markets we have to address all the shortfalls without exception and desist with putting those changes on the back burner. G) The tax system has so many loopholes it is like a sieve requiring more than a band-aid to eliminate those loopholes that are not conducive to a thriving economy.
Now on the plus side we have a) exports are on the increase continually thank God. B) Growth is projected to be quite positive but it is riding on the successes of the export trade.
With all these things in mind we have an idea of the capabilities Ireland requires in order to squirrel away the debt and restore confidence on the world wide stage. Irish politicians need to remove their heads from the dark side where the sun does not shine and allow enlightened illuminating wisdom to weigh in eliminating high unemployment and other crisis that are dragging us down into the continental shelf.
PS: Vincent Brown on TV3 was interviewing two representatives of the government and his line of questioning induced such fiery responses especially from Conor Lenihan giving rise to a question what is he hiding that caused such an angry response. Oh, what webs we weave when... and so on and so forth and something about apples not falling far from the tree ahem..maybe he did not the association of the tree. Actually by losing his composure he proved he lacked the leadership qualities that are the hallmarks of outstanding leaders. Oh well!
PPS: is it possible for other subjects like Dil reform and Public Office compensation reform to be included as subjects to be voted on in the forthcoming elections. After all why elect people who are going to be excused soon after the new government assumes office that is of course based on the premise that they are actually serious about reform.

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